
Romance Your Launch:

Self-Publishing for Romance Writers—Made Easy

You’ve written all the way to, “And they lived happily ever after,” but have been stuck wondering, what do I do now?

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to self-publish your first romance novel in just 12 weeks by following a clear, step-by-step roadmap.

Go from hopeful writer to published author, entertaining readers with your stories, transforming your passion into profit, and setting the stage where each story you publish bolsters your reputation and your bank account, paving the way to a fulfilling career as a romance author.

graphic with titles of the 6 course modules of the Romance Your Launch program

Become a published romance author

Get guidance for all the questions you have about self-publishing your first romance novel.

NOTE: this program will open on January 15, 2024. 

Romance Your Launch

💟 12 weeks of live and pre-recorded workshops that cover every stage of self-publishing your first romance novel.

💟 Tailored-to-you feedback on every major publishing milestone so you’re never wondering, “Did I get the right?” 

💟 Weekly small group coaching and accountability masterminds.

💟 Twenty-five hours of one-to-one coaching to ensure you get your metadata right, website done, email welcome sequence set-up, ARC team in place, and more. (Available in the HEA level option).

Signing up for Author Ever After was one of the best investments I’ve ever made in my writing career.

Valerie Pepper

The Barista's Guide to the Perfect Steam

Danika is the ultimate book coach. She offers her extensive author knowledge with patience and care.

Colette R. Harrell

Chasing Different

Danika is amazing to work with! I had so many fears holding me back … Then I booked a consultation with Danika, and the clouds began to clear.

Fiona Briar

Historical romance author

The all-in-one course you need to go from unknown to published

 When I published my first novel in 1996, I had so much help that, at the end of the process, I hadn’t learned a darned thing about indie publishing.

On one hand, it was super easy—all I had to do was pay some significant dollars.

But when I was ready to indie publish my next book … I was still in the dark about what to do. And I didn’t have the money to pay someone else to do it all again for me.

I spent months taking courses, reading books, and generally confusing myself since I couldn’t find anyone to just walk the path with me, step-by-step.

This is why I created this course.

So that you can see how simple self-publishing actually is when you take away all the noise and half-helpful, general advice.

My goal is to help you get your first romance published on a budget and timeline that makes sense for you—because every action you take can be made in so many different ways and you need to know the way that will work for you

Who is this program for?

 This program is for you if …

  1. You’re ready to step up and claim the title of being a published author.
  2. You’re either confused about how to self-publish or scared to try.
  3. You have a romance novella or short story ready (or almost ready) for readers.
  4. You have a romance novel ready (or almost ready) for readers—but with the caveat that this is not a marketing course.
  5. You want to self-publish more books in the future without spending a fortune.

This program is not for you if …

  1. You expect to learn how to make significant royalties with your first romance (because nobody can promise you that).
  2. You’re looking for advanced marketing tips—you’ll learn foundational marketing skills that will be a solid base to grow on.
  3. You’re not willing to set aside fear of the unknown—because you’ll be doing lots of things for the first time. With my guidance.
  4. You want someone to do all the work for you. This program offers three levels of Done With You support—meaning you’ll do the work with a mentor guiding you. But none of it will be fully done for you.

What’s included in

Romance Your Launch: Self-publishing for romance writers—made easy

Module 1: Confidence in Completion

Mastering manuscript revision (writing/editing stage)

Lessons in this module


💟 Timeline of Triumph: Plan your path to publication

With clear goals and a structured plan, you’ll navigate your own publication process with confidence and the knowledge that the path you’re on was designed for you, ensuring a rewarding first book launch.

💟 Revise & Shine: Master the craft of self-editing

You’ll transform your draft into a captivating read, ensuring your audience falls in love with every page, increasing the likelihood of glowing reviews.

💟 Launchpad to Success: Prime your novel for its debut

By selecting the ideal editor for your needs, you’ll make a smart investment in your book’s quality, ensuring it resonates deeply with your readers and stands out in the romance market.

💟 Metadata Mastery: The key to standing out in the book market

By mastering metadata, you’ll attract more readers, boost your book’s visibility, and give your story the spotlight it deserves.


Problem you’ll overcome:

  • Uncertainty about whether your manuscript is ready to stand out—in a good way—in the crowded market of romance novels.

Win you’ll experience:

  • Gaining the confidence and clarity that your romance novel is ready for the publishing journey, equipped with a clear, achievable timeline that ensures a successful and stress-free launch.

Module 2: Your Romance Author Identity

Developing a standout author brand (pre-publishing)

Lessons in this module


💟 The Power of a Name: Choose your author identity

By crafting a memorable and fitting author identity, you’ll create a strong first impression that attracts and retains loyal readers.

💟 All The Bios Fit to Print: Make yourself stand out with kick-ass bios

Gain visibility and credibility in the romance author community, building a foundation for long-term relationships with readers and fellow authors.

💟 The Art of Author Branding: Design a look that looks good on you & your books

Craft an author identity that attracts your ideal readers and sets the stage for a brand that is both memorable and marketable.

💟 Your Digital Home Base: Craft an engaging author website

Assert your digital presence, creating an online home for your literary works that not only garners attention but starts a lasting conversation with your readers.

Problem you’ll overcome:

  • The complexities of establishing a unique and appealing author brand, from selecting a compelling author identity to creating engaging digital content and a strong online presence.

Win you’ll experience:

  • Crafting a distinctive and memorable author brand that resonates with your target audience, ensuring increased visibility and credibility in the romance author community, and laying a foundation for lasting reader engagement and career growth.

Module 3: Your Book Launch Plan

Navigating pre-publishing essentials (pre-publishing)

Lessons in this module


💟 Envision Your Success: Establish your launch objectives

With a well-defined vision, you’ll have a roadmap to success, ensuring your launch activities are focused, effective, and aligned with your long-term author goals.

💟 The Art of Attraction: DIY or with a pro—make a perfect first impression

A captivating cover will not only draw readers in but also communicate your novel’s essence, significantly boosting its market appeal.

💟 Inbox Insights: Design your author email strategy

An effective email strategy strengthens your connection with readers, fostering a community eager to support your current and future romance novels.

💟 Launch Allies: Build your ARC reader team

By nurturing a group of dedicated ARC readers, you’ll gain early reviews and word-of-mouth promotion, essential for a successful book launch.

💟 Digital Charisma: Create your social media blueprint and calendar team

With a strategic approach to social media, you can effectively reach a wider audience, create excitement for your launch, and establish a lasting online presence.

Problem you’ll overcome:

  • Overwhelm with the complexities of orchestrating a successful book launch, including setting clear objectives, designing impactful marketing materials, building a strong reader community, and leveraging social media effectively.

Win you’ll experience:

  • A tailored publishing plan and strategy to guide you through the indie publishing process to establish a strong foundation for your novel’s success and your enduring presence as a romance author.

Module 4: Indie Published, Traditional Quality

Mastering the art of self-publishing (publishing)

Lessons in this module


💟 Perfect Pages: Master eBook & paperback formatting

Professional formatting not only enhances the reading experience but also elevates your book’s credibility, helping it stand out in the crowded indie market.

💟 Launchpad to Readers: Publish your romance on Amazon & beyond

With the right publishing know-how, you’ll maximize your book’s reach and appeal, tapping into a wide network of potential readers.

💟 Ignite Your Book Buzz: Maximize your presence on Goodreads, BookBub & more

By actively engaging on these platforms, you’ll not only increase your book’s visibility but also connect with readers and industry influencers, creating a buzz that boosts your launch and sustains interest in your work.

💟 Post-launch Analysis: Monitor and integrate feedback

By understanding your book’s reception and impact, you’ll be able to make informed decisions for future projects and continuously improve your author brand.

Problem you’ll overcome:

  • Bridging the gap between indie publishing and traditional quality standards, tackling the complexities of professional formatting, effective distribution, impactful marketing, and post-launch analysis.

Win you’ll experience:

  • A successfully published romance novel that stands out in the competitive market; and a blueprint you can follow for all your future publications.

Module 5: Fan Fidelity

Building and bonding with your readers (marketing)

Lessons in this module


💟 Magnetic Attraction: Design irresistible reader & lead magnets

With well-considered magnets, you’ll not only draw in more readers but also foster a deeper connection, turning casual browsers into devoted fans.

💟 Inbox Storytelling: Write an engaging email welcome sequence

By sending emails that connect to your unique voice, you’ll build a stronger rapport with your audience, encouraging loyalty and anticipation for your future romance novels.

💟 Automated Engagement: Set up success in your inbox

Automated emails ensure your readers stay engaged and informed, saving you time while continuously nurturing your reader relationships.

💟 Magnetize Your Market: Effectively Promote your reader & lead magnets

By skillfully marketing these magnets, you’ll significantly expand your reader base and strengthen your author brand in the romance community.

Problem you’ll overcome:

  • Uncertainty on how to leverage your newly published book and the challenges of attracting, engaging, and retaining a dedicated fanbase in the highly competitive romance genre.

Win you’ll experience:

  • A kick-ass reader magnet and an automated email sequence in place to cultivate a loyal and enthusiastic readership that not only loves your stories but also actively supports and promotes your work, leading to increased sales, word-of-mouth referrals, and a strong, enduring presence in the romance writing community.

Module 6: Business Savvy Author

Crafting a successful career beyond book one (author business)

Lessons in this module


💟 Novel Numbers: Balance your books and budgets

Gain control over your financial health, ensuring that your passion for writing is both creatively fulfilling and economically sustainable.

💟 Tax-Savvy Author: Essential tax knowledge for writers

Equip yourself with essential tax knowledge to minimize stress and maximize savings, allowing you to focus more on your writing..

💟 Copyrights and Contracts: Legal essentials for authors

By knowing your rights and obligations, you can protect your work and make informed decisions, securing your career as a romance author.

💟 Happily Ever Author: Protect your author business from unforeseen events

With a clear plan for the future, you can rest assured that your literary works and author brand will be safeguarded for years to come.

Problem you’ll overcome:

  • Navigating the intricate and multifaceted world of self-publishing, including financial, legal, tax, and business challenges that can overwhelm new romance authors.

Win you’ll experience:

  • Achieving a comprehensive understanding of being an authorpreneur, critical knowledge to growing a sustainable, profitable, and creatively fulfilling romance writing career.

Need more info to decide? I get it!
And, I got you!

Who am I?

I’m Danika Bloom, a USA Today bestselling romance author and a long-time mentor to writers and authors of many genres. In 2022, I launched Author Ever After since my favorite people in the world are romance authors and I decided I only wanted to work with them … people like you!

I’ve indie published over a dozen books now as both Danika and the non-fiction author name I use.

Before becoming a romance author, I was a finanical literacy trainer and provided business plan coaching for new entrpreneurs with Canada’s second largest credit union.

I live in a village that has as many dogs and human residents. My happy place is in my multi-colored office with my writing muse (a 3D-printed, anatomically correct clitoris) and the members of Author Ever After.

If you have questions about anything in this program, either email me at author@authoreverafter.com or ….

headshot Danika Bloom romance author