
Why do I have to apply?

because I care about my people

I’ve been a community-builder and leader since the 1990s. And of the many things my decades of experience has taught me is that “fit matters.” (Now my mind goes to its steamy romance author place and I’m thinking about penis jokes).

Right there … things like this are said out loud in mastermind and in office hours, so having a comfort level sharing space with minds that write smut is important.

Equally important is joyfully supporting romance authors who write clean & wholesome because we have those lovely members as well.

Another important reason I ask authors to apply is because I want to make sure the support you’ll get is what you need right now. 

heart shaped collage of 9 women smiling

A few of the authors who joined Author Ever After and indie published their first romance novels with our support.

headshot Valerie Pepper romance author

“Signing up for Author Ever After was one of the best investments I’ve ever made in my writing career. Danika understands the romance indie publishing industry inside and out. Her insights, gentle guidance and unrelenting focus on holding me accountable not only resulted in a near-doubling of written words from me, but also instilled the confidence that I needed to push toward my debut release.”

~ Valerie Pepper, published community member

“Author Ever After has given me more opportunities than I could have ever dared to dream. I’ve gained the ability to finish my discovery draft, the confidence to share what I’ve written with others, and the knowledge to get out there and promote myself. There’s no telling where I’d be without this support system.”  

~ Tami Winbush, one-to-one mentorship & community member

headshot Tami Winbush romance author

Apply to join us!

* Some browsers don’t play nice with this Google form. If you can’t complete it in the field below, here’s the direct link to the application form.

Membership options

To ensure you have an exceptional experience, there is a short application form and process to join the Do It Yourself membership and the Done With You mentoring programs.

The A La Carte option does not require an application. Just book a call!